Whisper Memos (TestFlight Beta)
Hey friends,
I just wanted to share a TestFlight Beta of Whisper Memos. As a teaser, here’s the app icon that I’ve shared on Twitter:
Whisper Memos is an app that records your voice and sends you an email with the transcription a few minutes later. It is based on OpenAI's new Whisper technology. The outcome is simply very accurate.
I got the idea after reading this comment. The author talks about their use case - summarizing the day on a voice memo, but never really coming back to it:
I like to record audio notes while driving in my car after work, to kind of decompress my thoughts from the day. But I never go back and listen as they can be long and meandering. Sometimes in the audio log I will sum up my thoughts, but this might be 20 minutes in and hard to find. I really wish I had transcriptions so I could easily scan the full contents.
So far, my usecase has been journaling and taking book notes. I love reading physical books, but despise photographing them. (Using an app like Highlighted helps.) With this, I can simply press a button on the lock screen, and read my favorite part aloud.
Everything I record lands in my inbox. Most of the notes I will copy into Reflect, but some of them are actionable items - so I might create a todo, or run an errand based on the reminder.
I’d love to find some beta testers before I submit this to the App Store. If you’re interested, just click on the button below.
Please report any bugs – my personal email is vojto@rinik.net, or you can just reply to this newsletter.
Note: There’s a preference called “Private mode” which doesn’t work yet.